Friday, January 21, 2011

Best Quote On Texas Budget Cuts

As you probably know by now, the Republican's best example of an economic success story, the state of Texas, is in deep financial trouble.   The state has a budget deficit of about $27 billion for the upcoming biennium, which must somehow be covered by the current legislature (since the state constitutionally must have a balanced budget).   In spite of what the Republican governor, Rick Perry, has said, Texas has been hit hard by the recession, and revenues have dropped precipitously.

Now there are a range of ways to solve this problem.   The legislators could raise the franchise (business) tax, tap the $9 billion "rainy day" fund, broaden the sales tax base, raise state fees, increase oil & gas taxes, institute a state income tax, legalize and tax marijuana or legalize casino gambling.   But the largely Republican legislature doesn't like any of these options.   The Legislative Budget Board, which makes budget recommendations to the legislature, has decided instead to make massive and hurtful cuts to state services.

They are recommending cuts to health & human services, education, higher education and nearly everything that actually helps ordinary Texans.   This ridiculous recommendation has resulted in a cacophony of protests from many quarters.   But the best (and most humorous) quote is from State Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-San Antonio).   Castro (pictured) said,   "We are 50th in per capita spending.   It's like asking an anorexic person to lose weight."

And he is absolutely right.   Texas lags behind nearly every state in funding nearly everything (except welfare for corporations).   It is among the stingiest in Medicaid coverage (and had to be forced by the federal government to cover poor children with health insurance).   The aid it gives to poor mothers (two-parent families don't qualify for anything -- no matter how destitute) leaves them far below the poverty level.   The per capita funds it provides for education is less than almost every other state.   The salaries paid to rank-and-file state workers is among the lowest in the nation.  

It is without a doubt one of the stingiest states in spending and services provided.   Instituting the recommended massive budget cuts would truly be like asking a starving person to go on a diet.   But then that's how Republicans are -- they only care about the rich.   And anyone who complains is accused of "class warfare".   It's truly shameful.

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