Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's Just Words - Right ?

Political Cartoon is by David Horsey in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

1 comment:

  1. I guess I must of missed the evidence that the Tucson shooter was either motivated or influenced by anything other than his own twisted mind.

    Because a few days ago, when Megyn Kelly interviewed Sheriff Dupnik and directly asked him if he had uncovered any evidence "that suggests the suspected killer was listening to radio and watching television, and was in any way inspired by what he saw," his response was less than direct: "There's no doubt in my mind that when a number of people night and day try to inflame the public that there's going to be some consequences from doing that."

    I take that as a no.

    So what's the evidence now: Pictures of him at Tea Party rallies? Computer forensics that prove he frequented right-wing web sites? Witnesses that heard him extolling the praises of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck?

    The evidence we do have is that in 2007 (when Sarah Palin was nationally unknown and the Tea Party didn't even exist), he attended a "Congress on Your Corner" event and "was aggrevated" when Rep. Giffords answered his absurd question ("How do you know word mean anything?") in Spanish.

    Or is there another shooter somewhere that I haven't heard about yet that actually was influenced or motivated by "venomous political rhetoric"?

    I dislike "venemous poltical rhetoric" as much as the next person and am doing all I can personally to tone it down, but if you're going to link it to the actions of a crazed shooter, you'd better have more evidence than the speculation of a Democrat Sheriff or a political cartoonist.


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