Monday, February 07, 2011

Egypt Must Be Allowed Self-Determination

Since the 25th of January, the country of Egypt has been in turmoil. There have been massive daily demonstrations demanding that President Mubarak step down and a change in government be instituted in the country. What that government will finally be like is anybody's guess at this point (or even if the anti-Mubarak movement will succeed).

In this country there has been much comment on what the United States government should do to influence what happens in Egypt. Many on the right would like to see the U.S. step in and support "our friend" Mubarak (being afraid the protestors will institute an Iranian type theistic government). While many on the left want the U.S. to actively support the "democracy" movement of the demonstrators.

Frankly, I think both sides are wrong. The Egyptians must be allowed to determine their own fate without any interference from the United States or any other country. No one knows what will happen. Maybe Egypt will wind up with a muslim theocracy opposing U.S. interests, and maybe they will develop a western-style democracy. It does not matter, since it is no business of anyone except the Egyptians.

Here in the United States, we would be offended for any other nation to try and tell us what kind of government we should have. That is something for Americans to decide. We must give Egypt that same right of self-determination. It is just the right thing to do.

Too often in the past our government has tried to interfere in the internal matters of other countries, and that interference has almost always proved to be disastrous for both us and the other country. It is my fervent hope that we don't repeat that mistake in Egypt.

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