Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feingold Establishes "Progressive United"

The 2010 elections saw a massive influx of corporate money (including money from foreign corporations funneled through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) thanks to the misguided Supreme Court Decision in the Citizens United case. This has resulted in the right-wing having a lot more power in our federal government and progressives having much less power. With the severe cuts proposed by the Republicans -- cuts that will severely hurt ordinary Americans while the corporations and the rich get more tax cuts and subsidies. This is not only unfair, but will result in further damage to the U.S. economy.

Fortunately, some progressives are beginning to fight back for ordinary Americans and oppose the encroaching corporatocracy. Russ Feingold, who lost his own bid for re-election to the Senate, has established an organization of progressives, called Progressives United, to speak out against the right-wing lies and to support true progressive candidates for public office across the country.

Personally, I am very glad to see this. Feingold is not a blue dog conservative or even a wimpy liberal. He is a true progressive who has never been afraid to stand up for progressive values and beliefs. He can be trusted to support only the real progressives. Here is what Feingold said in establishing this much needed organization:

"As you know, I spent much of my career in the Senate fighting that corruptive power. I am no longer in the Senate tp represent Wisconsin, but I have no intention of giving up that fight -- or giving up on you and all the people who have fought it with me.

Together we will empower Americans to fight back against corporate influence and corruption in Washington, D.C., and demand democratic reforms to our election system. We will support candidates who will work for the people, not the corporations. We will call out the media when they hide from the real story.

After the Supreme Court’s egregious Citizens United decision last year, which opened the floodgates for corporations to influence our elections, we saw hundreds of millions of dollars from corporate special interests drown out the voices of average Americans and obstruct the democratic principles established by our nation’s Founders.

That flood of corporate money began to make an impact in last fall's elections. But our real fight is ahead, when special interests will try to buy their way to victory in 2012.

Progressives have long fought for clean elections and good government, because that's what makes our nation work best. Now we’re uniting to continue that fight.

Will you stand with me?"

If you are a progressive like me, I urge you to go to this website and check out the video of Feingold talking about Progressives United, and if you have a few extra dollars (something that's difficult in this Republican-devasted economy, I know), you might consider giving to this worthy organization and cause.

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