Friday, February 11, 2011

Nobody Likes Congress

A year ago (January of 2010), Congress was one of the most unpopular entities in the United States. About 70% of the population disapproved of Congress, while only about 23% of Americans approved of them. That's pretty bad. But the Republicans decided they would come to the rescue. They promised in the 2010 campaign that they would set things right in this country, and enough people believed them to give them a majority in the House of Representatives. So things are better now -- right?

Well, not according to the American people. A new Gallup Poll shows that Congress is still just as unpopular as it was a year ago (the survey was done February 2nd through 5th, and has a margin of error of 4 points). According to this poll, the new Congress is no better than the old one. It shows that 71% of the people disapprove of Congress, while 23% approve.

And most amazing of all, the disapproval cuts across all political lines. Even Republicans are not happy with the new Congress. Here's how the demographic breaks down:


Maybe things would change if they started doing something to help ordinary Americans. But that would require creating some jobs -- good jobs that stay in America. And so far, there's no evidence that will happen. I'll bet a survey next January shows the same dismal figures for Congress.

1 comment:

  1. I think we should kick them all out of office and start all over again.
    can we do that?


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