Friday, February 04, 2011

Speaker Boehner Has A Lobbyist Girlfriend

Before the last elections, Rep. John Boehner cautioned his Republican brothers to rein in their sexual desires, even having private chats with some of them. He wanted to avoid any scandals that might derail the Republicans' quest to return to power. But it looks like he has failed to heed his own advice.

The National Enquirer is coming out with a story about Speaker Boehner breaking his own marriage vows with a couple of girlfriends of his own. One is congressional press secretary Leigh LaMora, and the other is a congressional lobbyist -- Lisbeth Lyons. Some might question the source, but remember, it was the Enquirer that exposed the infidelity of John Edwards. And they turned out to be right on target with that one. Additionally, there have been rumors of Boehner's infidelity floating around for a while now.

It's bad enough that Boehner would break his own rules and desecrate his own marriage, but having sexual relations with a lobbyist ups the ante substantially. It puts his political decisions in question. Lobbyists exist to influence politicians to support their clients by passing or eliminating laws which affect those clients. And there are laws to prevent those lobbyists from buying influence with those politicians.

But money is not the only way to buy influence. There are also sexual favors (and blackmail to keep indiscretions a secret). Having a lobbyist girlfriend calls into question any decisions Boehner might make in the House of Representatives. Is he bringing up a bill (or blocking a bill) because he thinks it's good for America, or as a payback for sexual favors? And do the Republicans really want a tainted Speaker as they struggle to return to power?

It is one thing to oppose the politics of a Speaker. It is quite different to be unable to trust a Speaker. Maybe it's time for the Republicans to consider replacing Boehner (even though he's had the position less than a month).


  1. I'm just surprised it wasn't pages.

  2. "It is one thing to oppose the politics of a Speaker. It is quite different to be unable to trust a Speaker."

    Is history repeating itself? I guess time will tell.


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