Sunday, March 06, 2011

Logic ?

Political Cartoon is by Kevin Siers in The Charlotte Observer.


  1. Margie Phelps, the daughter of WBC founder Fred Phelps who argued their case before the Supreme Court, was on Fox News Sunday today. Chris Wallace quoted her as saying that the recent Supreme Court decision was God's will. and she confirmed this. So he reasoned that if that was God's will, what about the 2003 decision by the Supremes that banning gay marriage was unconstitutional. Her response: that was God's curse.

    Heads I win; tails you lose.

    I've decided to always refer to this "church" by its intitials (WBC) rather than by its fraudulent name. There's nothing "Baptist" or "Church" about them.

  2. I've listened to the podcast of Fox News Sunday, and for the sake of accuracy, let me correct and expand my previous comment, due to my slightly faulty memory. This in no way changes my total disdain for the WBC; if anything, it strengthens it.

    Chris Wallace directly asked Phelps if the Supreme Court decision in the Snyder case was God's will, and Phelps replied, "Of course it was or it wouldn't have happened."

    The 2003 Supreme Court case that Wallace cited was Lawrence v. Texas, which ruled that laws forbidding sex between consenting adults of the same sex were unconstitutional (no mention of same sex marriage in that decision). That being said, Phelps's response that this decision was God's curse, especially in light of the quote I added above, makes her position even more illogical than I previously recalled (i.e. Why would God have allowed the Lawrence decision to have happened?).

    Finally (and this may be a little "Inside Baseball" if you're not a Christian), later in the interview, Phelps said that "[t]here's a duty of every human to bring forth fruit, meat for repentence," and anyone who doesn't will end up in Hell. This is totally in opposition to orthodox Christianity, which believes that salvation is by grace through faith, not by works.


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