Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Quinnipiac "Feelings" Thermometer

The chart above shows the results of a recent poll by Quinnipiac University on United States national figures. Quinnipiac surveyed 1,887 people between February 21st and February 28th. The survey has a margin of error of 2.3%. They asked them to rate the above-named figures on a 0 to 100 scale -- with the warmest feelings being the highest number. Quinnipiac said about the survey, "It is important to remember that this measure is not any kind of presidential trial heat, but it does reflect how voters feel about national figures, including politicians."

The only real surprises for me were how high New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani were rated -- 57 and 52.3 respectively. In fact, Christie was actually 0.5 points higher than President Obama. The figures on Christie may be a bit misleading though. A full 55% of respondents said they didn't know enough about him to give him a rating, while 100% of respondents felt comfortable rating President Obama. I expect that Christie's rating would fall after people got to know him -- especially when they find out some of his stances, such as cutting Social Security.

Three other Republicans were rated over 50. Mike Huckabee got a rating of 51.8 (but only 78% of the people knew enough to rate him), John Boehner got a surprising 51.1 (but was rated by only 59% of respondents), and Mitt Romney got a 50.4 (being rated by 77% of respondents).

Another small surprise for me was that the certifiable nut-job from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann, was rated as high as 45.6. The saving grace was that this rating was only given by 45% of respondents. Like Christie, 55% of the people said they didn't know enough about her to give her a rating. Again, I think her rating would fall rather precipitously once voters know more about her.

No surprise at all is the low rating given to the Wasilla Witch -- Sarah Palin. She finished near the bottom of the poll with a rating of only 38.2 (and she was rated by 96% of respondents). That means that most people feel they know her and they really don't like her. Outside of the teabagger wing of the Republican Party this woman is just a joke.

The only two politicians rated lower than Palin were Harry Reid with 34.8 (rated by 63% of respondents) and Nancy Pelosi with 32.9 (rated by 85% of respondents). This is no surprise. Both are not only hated by Republicans but also disliked by many disappointed Democrats and Independents (for the weak leadership they showed in the last Congress).

Although this was not a presidential preference poll, it does show that President Obama is generally liked more than any of his potential opponents. This would seem to give him an edge going into the 2012 campaign -- that is if he doesn't anger his base by caving in to the Republicans too much. He's going to need a big turnout, and it could be disastrous if progressives decide to sit the election out.

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