Monday, March 21, 2011

Racist ?

In case there was ever any doubt, the fact that this person felt it was OK to put up the sign shown above shows that racism is alive and well. The picture was taken in Parker County, Texas. From the blog Liberally Lean from the Land of Dairy Queen.


  1. Hmm.

    The thing is, the guy who put the sign up obviously believed that specifying race would make it MORE likely that someone will call him.

    And it probably will.

    He knows his audience.

  2. There is common belief amoung many white business qwners that white men especially the younger ones wont work hard especially for low wages. They prefer fresh from mexico, mexicans who will work hard and that think the low wages of the stes is like being a millionair after the wages in mexico. I dont think this guy is racist hes just trying to make a oint to those business owners who probably are racist--toward whites.

  3. And yet, once this "person" is hired, his employer will have to report to the Department of Labor the new employee's race, sex and age (16 to 19 years; or 20 years and above).

    Perhaps if the sign had read "WHITE MAN 20 YEARS AND ABOVE WITH TRUCK WILL WORK" he could have given potential employers all the data the DOJ will be asking for.

    Then those employers could check the overall makeup of their workforce, and if they had already hired an over abundance of Asian women 16 to 19 years, they could hire this white man (20 years and above) and create more diversity in the workplace.

  4. Anonymous: While you could be right regarding conventional wisdom of who works, it does not make a lot of sense in THIS case.

    Why would a worker - hard up enough for work that he puts a sign up with his phone number - emphasize a point that he believes (and you say) would make a potential employer LESS likely to hire him?

    It would be like if I put up a sign reading, "Heroin Addict will babysit your kids." I don't put something in the ad that discourages calls.

  5. Oops, I mean DOL (not DOJ).

    Although the DOJ could ultimately get involved too.

  6. Why would a worker - hard up enough for work that he puts a sign up with his phone number - emphasize a point that he believes (and you say)

    He's making the point that "although" he's white he "will" work and probably for crappy wages. Maybe, who knows for sure unless someone asks him.

  7. Come on, Nonny. You're just being silly now. It's obvious he's appealing to the racism of people who might hire him (probably because of his own racist attitude).

  8. Anonymous: Could be. I don't know.

    The possibilities are a) the sign is making an overarcvhing though almost ironic social/racial statement regarding subtle though concrete changes in race relations in recent years in the willingness of different socio-economic groups to engage in traditional "labor":


    b) some guy wants to get work and made a sign.

    Could be either of those, though. Could go either way. I'm not going to judge based on the limited information I have.

  9. On a somewhat related note: Warren Christopher, the last White man to serve as United States Secretary of State, passed away last Friday.

    It's been over 14 years since a Caucasian male has held that position. Christopher served until January 17, 1997.

  10. Thank you, YDG. Now no one can say this thread is feckless.


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