Saturday, April 23, 2011

Millions Of American Jobs Sent Abroad

The above chart (from the good folks at Think Progress) shows the effect the Republican economic policies have had on American jobs. Note that during the last year of the Clinton administration a few jobs were being sent overseas but just as many jobs were being created in this country. But after Bush took office things began to change radically. More jobs (even before the recession) were being lost in the United States, while an increasing amount of jobs were sent to other countries (and the corporations received tax breaks for doing that).

By the end of his eight years in office, Bush had the job situation really out of whack. The corporations had laid off at least 2.9 million workers while they had hired about 2.4 million workers in foreign countries. And nothing has changed to this day. The Democrats tried to take away the corporate tax breaks for exporting jobs, but the Republicans were able to keep that from happening. So while Americans are suffering (with barely enough jobs being created here to keep up with the number of new workers entering the workforce), American corporations continue to send good American jobs to other countries.

Republicans like to say that cutting taxes and giving subsidies to corporations creates new jobs. But it doesn't help this country to climb out of the continuing recession when the jobs being created are in other countries. This has to change.

NOTE -- The above job loss figures only count the jobs lost from American corporations. Jobs lost at small businesses and from all branches of government must be added in to get the true job loss picture.


  1. Tim,

    I always enjoy coming to your blog and checking out your offerings. There is always a treasure trove of vital information here. Keep up the great work.

  2. John P anti communist, anti liberal- 2012 it's all the same5/04/2012 10:25 PM

    Shocker, another article discussing an important issue with a valid theme but yet so one sided in its seems to be a liberal template to blame blame blame...but never blame the right people. I'd love to wake up one day and hear a liberal shoot it straight...It's always Bush's fault-while conviently leaving out the democrat controlled congress when you chart peaks..but I'm sure it had nothing to do with the almighty liberals...bc they are so compassionate and never do anything, except save the world...itd be nice to hear one society that has taken on liberal policies and been successful...also, why was it such a travesty when unemployment was 5% under Bush, but have that rate sit above 8%(with liberal WH math- but using real math it's easily above 10%) under a marxist, I mean liberal, and all of a sudden the economy is back..the level of outright hypocricy and stupidity coming from the left on a daily basis is really quite disheartening...bc I realize how dumb a portion of this country is, then I see the man they elected , and my hope for a prosperous future goes the way of jobs, thanks mostly in part to liberal moronic policies..and people who still fight the fact that raising the tax rate generates less revenue for the govt while red lining the economy are long ago lost brains...the proof is there ...research it...raising taxes generates LESS revenue, FACT...people change their behaviors, stop spending , downsize etc, all reasons for a sluggish economy...and the fact is companies are moving overseas bc cost of business here is too high...Given the fact that the US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world, common sense would tell people who know a thing about business economics that in fact a main culprit in jobs leaving the US is bc they are taxed too much...Ireland lowered there's and, wouldn't you know it, there economy flourished, of course bf the start if the EU collapse but it was bc of the low tax rate...Reagan lowered taxes and givt revenues increased, Clinton raised them and govt revenues decreased ...Obama himself admitted higher taxes does not in fact raise revenues, but it needed to be done for "fairness".....well that's great, we now have a party that makes its economic decisions in order for fairness, not prosperity and growth, but fairness...I sure hope fairness can put some gas in my car or pay my mortgage bc according to you, it's not growth or prosperity ...bc high taxes kills growth and prosperity to challenge this? Doubtful....but I'm sure you can check obamas Facebook for some more distorted facts ...all do typical in the fake world of liberalism


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