Monday, May 23, 2011


This cartoon perfectly sums up the sad state of American thinking about health care insurance. We're not happy with the status quo, but are too scared to change. From the website Ampersand.


  1. When government-run healthcare runs headlong into unsustainable debt, this can be the result.

  2. Oops! Apparently, that wasn't a permalink to the Financial Times article entitled, "Greece fails to pay its medical bills."

    The first paragraph of the article pretty much says it all: "The Greek government has fallen sharply behind on payments to healthcare companies only months after restructuring its €5.4bn ($7.6bn) debt to suppliers, raising doubts about patient safety while revealing the looming cash-flow crisis faced by the state." [Emphasis added]

    P.S. As I cut and pasted this quote, I got the following notice from the Financial Times: "Please respect's ts&cs and copyright policy which allow you to: share links; copy content for personal use; & redistribute limited extracts." [Emphasis added]

    Consider this a redistribution - not of wealth, but of a "limited extract" from the article. If you want to read more, do a search for the title in your favorite search engine.

  3. Great post, and oh, so very true!


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