Thursday, May 19, 2011

The (Un)Popularity Of Palin And Trump

Donald Trump has already dropped out of the presidential race for the Republican nomination, and it looks like Sarah Palin might as well do the same. She is as unpopular with the general public as Trump. How unpopular? Well a humorous little poll done by Public Policy Polling shows how much. They decided to pit Palin (and Trump) against one of the most left-leaning politicians in the country -- Rep. Dennis Kucinich (who has tried to run for the job in the past and gotten very little support). Here is what they found:

Dennis Kucinich may be a Congressman without a district soon, but there is one race he would surely win: president. That is, in a Bizarro world in which Barack Obama were not renominated and the strangely more realistic scenario in which Sarah Palin or Donald Trump were crowned by the GOP.

Voters think so little of Palin and Trump that they would even prefer one of the most outspoken liberals in the country in the White House. More than a fifth are undecided either because they know so little about Kucinich or they cannot make up their minds in such an unlikely situation. But Kucinich would top Palin, 43-36, and Trump, 40-36.

Palin and Trump get only a hair more support against Kucinich than against the president. Though they lose the independent vote by narrower margins against Kucinich, Palin earns 33% of unaffiliateds against Obama and 32% against Kucinich. For Trump, it is 35% versus Obama and 38% against Kucinich.

Continuing the trend in which Palin typically does worse both in the primary matchups with Republican women and far worse against President Obama with all women than the other Republicans do, female voters prefer the current Ohio congressman over the ex- Alaska governor by 20 points, 49-29.

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