Thursday, August 04, 2011

Heroism Under Fire

The two ladies pictured above are married. They are able to be married because Norway, where they live, doesn't have the same kind of societal hang-ups that exists in most of the United States. To many right-wingers in this country these women would be considered sinners, or maybe even criminals because of their lifestyle. But what they really are is heroes.

I don't call them heroes because they are lesbians -- that is merely their lifestyle. No, they are heroes because of the way they reacted to the massacre by right-wing christian fundamentalist Anders Breivik.

Hege Dalen and Toril Hansen were having dinner on the mainland, across from the ill-fated campsite on Utoya Island. When they heard the gunshots and screams coming from the island they did not run for cover -- they ran to help. They put there boat in the water and drove toward the island. It took them four trips because it was a small boat, but they were able to rescue 40 of the youngsters.

And they did it while under fire from the right-wing gunman. The numerous bullet holes in their boat prove that beyond any doubt. There was never any hope of saving everyone, and 69 people died in the massacre. But saving 40 people and ferrying them to safety was a remarkable achievement.

Most of us would like to think we would act just as heroically in such a situation, but the truth is that many would just run for cover. But these ladies didn't. They rose to the occasion. They are true heroes.


  1. I don't call them heroes because they are lesbians -- that is merely their lifestyle choice. [Emphasis added]

    So, you think it's a choice, and not an orientation? Not very politically correct of you, Ted! :)

  2. You are absolutely right, CT. I have removed the offending word.


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