Friday, October 07, 2011

Entitlements ?

Isn't this just like the congressional Republicans? They get the biggest government handouts of all (and think they're entitled to them) while they complain about our retirement insurance (which we have paid for all of our working lives). Found at the blog of Yellowdog Granny.


  1. makes me pissed every time I hear them mention the word entitlements.

  2. I totally agree with you that Congressional benefits are completely out of line for what little work they do. But as far as Social Security is concerned, technically you paid for your parents' retirement, not your own. There's no account with the name "Ted McLaughlin" on it, into which all of your payroll taxes were deposited.

    And because there are a lot more of us Baby Boomers than there are Gen X'ers and Milennials, our kids are either going to have to pay through the nose for us, or we're going to have to do without (unless, of course, the cap is lifted).

    And that's why some people call Social Security a Ponzi scheme.

  3. GrannyStandingforTruth10/07/2011 3:21 PM

    Funny, how we never hear Congress talking about taking a cut in their benefits.

    @Jobsanger, I hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your picture, it gave me an idea.

    @Yellowdoggranny, it pisses you and me both off because I worked hard for my so-called "entitlements" and they did call it "entitlements" when they were taking it out of my paychecks.

  4. I meant to say they *didn't* call it entitlements when they took it out of my paycheck. sorry for the error. :)


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