Sunday, November 06, 2011

Family Research Council Disrespects Families

The Family Research Council (FRC), started by right-wing fundamentalists Gary Bauer and James Dobson, calls itself "the leading voice for the family in our nation's halls of power". They claim to be a defender of decency and family values. But the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) believes that is just baloney. They list the FRC as nothing more than an anti-homosexual hate group who's only real value is hate. So who is right -- the FRC or the SPLC?

One of the latest actions of the FRC answers that question pretty well. They have honored Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Illinois), a teabagger congressman (pictured above), with their "True Blue" award -- citing him for his "Unwavering support of the family". FRC president Tony Perkins said "We thank Congressman Walsh who has voted consistently to defend faith, family and freedom." perkins went on to say he applauded Walsh for his "commitment to uphold the institutions of marriage and family."

I have to wonder just what the FRC's definition of commitment to marriage and family is, since Walsh is divorced and refuses to pay any child support for his own children. As of last July, Walsh owed $117,000 is back child-support payments. And he is still refusing to pay. Walsh is not an example of a father who is jobless and cannot afford to pay. He is a congressman who makes three times the median income of an American worker. He could afford to pay -- he just refuses to do so. He's the dictionary definition of a "deadbeat dad".

That should be more than enough to prevent Walsh from getting any kind of award for commitment to family values, but Walsh goes even further. To pander to his teabagger base, Walsh turned down the congressional health insurance plan for his family -- at a time when he and his current wife were uninsured and she had a pre-existing condition and needed surgery. It turns out he doesn't care for either of his families -- past or current.

So why did Walsh get the FRC award since he won't even support his own family, let alone other American families? Because the FRC isn't really interested in protecting American families. Their only real values are hatred and bigotry -- and those are values that Walsh has consistently supported with his anti-gay, anti-muslim, and anti-familiy (at least poor or unemployed families) votes in Congress.

The SPLC is right -- the FRC is nothing more than a hate group. And Walsh has earned their award for bigotry. But neither the FRC nor Walsh respect families.

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