Friday, December 16, 2011

Rick Perry Is Not Gay !

For quite a while now there's been a rumor floating around Texas that Rick Perry might be gay. Most of us have avoided writing much about the accusation because there was no one who would come right out and make the charge or provide any proof. That has now changed. Austin's Glen Maxey, the first openly gay person elected to the Texas legislature, has written a book about his search to find out the truth about Rick Perry. The book is titled Head Figure Head: The Search For The Hidden Life Of Rick Perry.

So what did Mr. Maxey find out? He says that Rick Perry is not gay -- he just likes to have sex with men. From the blog of the inimitable Juanita Jean (Owner of the world's most dangerous beauty salon, inc.) we find this quote from Mr. Maxey:

Throughout this story, I’ve been careful to refer to Perry’s activities as homosexual or same-sex, never “gay.” That’s because as far as I’m concerned, Rick Perry isn’t gay. He’s a man who has sexual encounters with other men. Those men predominantly identify themselves as gay. But Rick Perry is not, as far as I am concerned, gay.
Being gay is much more than just sex. Being gay is having an emotional relationship with a member of the same sex.

I'm sure that gays all over the state of Texas are now breathing a sigh of relief. They have plenty enough problems without being saddled with the likes of Rick Perry. I do have to wonder though how this is going to play to teabagger fundamentalist voters in Iowa and other states. Somehow, I don't think they'll understand the difference between being gay and just enjoying sex with other men.

Mr. Maxey's book is now available on Kindle for the very reasonable price of $9.99. For those of you, like myself, who don't have a Kindle reader, the paperback version should be out in about a week. It should make for some interesting reading.


  1. that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

  2. I know Rick Perry is not gay because he made a commercial condemning gays... while wearing the same jacket as Heath Ledger wore in Brokeback Mountain.

    Alrighty, then!

    - Badtux the "Which one of the Village People is he?" Penguin


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