Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Always The Worst Option

Far too many Americans, especially the politicians and leaders, think war is the easy answer to all our problems. The truth is that war is the worst possible option, and rarely settles anything for the better. It should never be used for revenge, for political gain, for corporate profit, or to push any religious dogma -- and yet most wars are fought for those very reasons. How can we call ourselves civilized?


  1. I'm with you on this all the way, Ted. It's always the chickenhawks like Cheney and Rumsfeld who push strongest for war. Those phonies can go straight to hell. I'm with the Admiral on this one, too.

  2. It's always those who scream "WAR!!" the loudest who are least willing to put themselves or their own on the line. The Republicans who pushed Iraq and Afghanistan did not, by and large, have any of their kids or other relatives in the service. Romney comes to mind. When asked why his own adult sons weren't serving in the military, this warmonger claimed it was because they were on missions, "serving our country and God in their own way". Yeah, right. Let others send their brats off to be killed...but not my precious lilly-white princes!

    I'm convinced that this is one of the Republican justifications for perpetuating the systems that keep people in poverty - so they can have a never-ending supply of desperate young men and women who have no other choice but to go into the military in order to get some sort of paycheck. In other words, a never-ending supply of cannon fodder.

  3. And just look what these wars are doing to our soldiers! Talk about being uncivilized!

    Ted, did you see the recent youtube video of approx. ten U.S. soldiers cheering on a man while he beat a baby sheep to death with a metal baseball bat?

    Or the pictures/video of the U.S. soldiers urinating on dead enemy soldiers? I have to agree with Admiral LaRocque here, with one amendment: If we don't kill them, we destroy their soul.


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