Sunday, January 15, 2012

Job Creation (Obama v. Bush)

Republicans like to brag about how they are the job creators -- even though when they were in power they created the conditions that brought on a serious recession and cost this country millions of jobs. All we have to do to know the Republicans aren't job creators is compare the number of jobs created in the Bush presidency with those created in the Obama presidency.

The charts above show the number of jobs created by each of those presidents in their third year in office. Only about 400,000 jobs were created in the American economy in Bush's third year, while 1.4 million were created in Obama's third year. Making the difference even starker is the knowledge that the paltry job creation by Bush was in a fairly good economy while Obama's much better record was done in the midst of a recession -- and with a substantial amount of Republican obstructionism.

The truth is that the Republicans still believe that taking money away from the working and middle classes and giving it to the rich is the way to create jobs. But that is not the way to create jobs, and it never has been. Trickle-down economics does not create jobs -- it just makes the rich even richer and everyone else much poorer.

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