Saturday, February 18, 2012

Virginia Poised To Join Texas In Legalizing State-Sanctioned Rape

The object in the picture above is a vaginal sonogram probe. If an individual in the state of Texas were to insert this probe (or anything similar) into a woman's vagina without her permission, that person would be guilty of rape and sentenced to a long and well-deserved prison sentence -- and no one would feel sorry for the offender as he/she was hauled off to prison.

But due to the lack of empathy or wisdom of the Republican majority in the Texas legislature and the Republican governor, Rick Perry, it is now legal for the state of Texas to commit the same kind of rape it would send an individual to prison for. The legislature passed a new law in the last legislative session that requires a doctor to use the above wand to perform a sonogram on ALL women requesting an abortion -- regardless of whether the woman wants the procedure or not. She can say no, and it will still be done.

I must admit that I am still a bit mystified over how the same "law and order" Republicans who want extremely long sentences for rapists (and some who even want the death penalty for rape), can turn around and demand state-sanctioned rape of women trying to make one of the hardest decisions of their lives. Obviously these men (and it was mostly men making this decision) were absent when morality, ethics, and common decency were being distributed.

These degenerate legislators have no problem with forcible rape (penetrating a woman against her will) as long as it is done by the state for "religious" reasons (although I still can't find any prohibition of abortion in the Bible. The prohibition against killing in the 10 commandments is clearly referring to the killing of humans, not unviable fetuses -- and even the prohibition of killing has many exceptions in that book).

Now the state of Virginia is set to join Texas in demanding women who want an abortion be forcibly raped before that procedure can be done. I admit that I don't know exactly how Virginia law defines rape, but I would bet it is very similar to the law in Texas -- and that means the Virginia legislators are fixing to pass a bill that would legalize rape by the state. And their Republican governor has indicated he will sign the bill into law. This is just sick. Rape is still rape -- whether it is done by an individual or the state.

But that is not all. The Virginia legislators will not be happy with just legalizing the forcible rape of women seeking an abortion. They want to completely remove the right of any woman to control over her own body. They are also set to pass a "personhood" law, which would give a fetus the rights of a real (male) human person -- rights that would overrule the rights of a woman. These legislators believe men should have the right to control what is done to their body, but women should not have that right.

That reduces women to a second-class citizen status. How can any woman vote for the Republican Party -- the party that doesn't believe they should have rights equal to those enjoyed by men?

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