Thursday, February 23, 2012


The Supreme Court has made some very good decisions that made this country more equal (such as Brown vs. Board of Education and Roe vs. Wade). But the decision in Citizens United vs. FEC was an unmitigated disaster that can only harm our fragile democracy (and hasten it becoming a plutocracy). Corporations are not people, and money is not speech. The Citizens United decision must be overturned, even if a constitutional amendment is required to do it. The pictures above were found at the blog of Yellowdog Granny.


  1. I don't often say we need to pass a constitutional amendment. But we need to pass a constitutional amendment.

    It needs to say this: "Corporations are not legal persons and shall be treated as such under the law."

    At his State of the Union this year, President Obama showed more restraint than I would have. remembering how Chief Justice Roberts started shaking his head "no" a couple years ago when Obama addressed the Citizens United decision, I would have been ready with a reminder.

    This decision has turned out worse than anyone predicted.

  2. Those are very powerful and very true examples of how wrong and twisted that once great court has become. Each conservative justice should hang his head in shame and resign immediately.


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