Sunday, March 11, 2012

GOP Losing Women (And Swing States)

(The above graphic is by the inimitable Mabel Salts of GOP:Greed.Opression.Piety)

It should come as no surprise to anyone by now that the GOP is waging a war against women. It goes way beyond just the ridiculous actions of Rush Limbaugh (de facto head of the GOP). The congressional Republicans are trying to not only deny women the right to control what happens with their own body and receive equal pay for equal work, but they now even want to deny women free and easy access to contraception.

I don't know whether the old white men who dominate the Republican Party just need to feel superior to other groups, or whether they are just too weak and stupid to deal with strong, smart women. But either way, it's become obvious they want to keep women in a second-class status in this country. They have tried to hide their misogyny in the cloak of religion, but that is fooling no one with half a functioning brain. And it's certainly not fooling women.

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll shows that the support for the GOP among women is fading fast -- and it's not just in presidential preference. It's now starting to affect the party down-ballot also. Last summer, when this poll asked women who they would prefer to control Congress the Democrats held a small 4 point edge (46% to 42%). But the new poll shows that Democratic advantage had now grown to a 15 point advantage -- with 51% preferring the Democrats and only 36% preferring Republicans.

And amazingly, the Republicans seem ready to continue their war on women. They are refusing to back down, and still want to have more votes on contraception (denying free and easy access for all women). They don't realize this is a battle they have already lost, and continuing it will just cost them more votes among women. They had already decided they could win in November with only white votes (since their policies have alienated most minorities), and now it seems they think they can win with only white, male votes. I hope they continue with this silly delusion, because there is no way it can succeed.

This is probably the very reason the GOP is now losing some important swing states. A recent Rasmussen Poll (which normally slants slightly toward the GOP) shows President Obama is now leading both Romney and Santorum in combined totals from Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia. As recently as late February the GOP candidates were tied with the president in those four states.

It is almost as if the Republican Party is determined to commit political suicide this year.

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