Friday, March 16, 2012

Racism And Injustice In Florida

It looks like racism is alive and well in Sanford, Florida. The picture above is of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin. He was visiting his father in a Florida gated community, and walked to the store where he bought some iced tea and a bag of Skittles candy. As he walked back to his house, he was followed by a 28 year-old white man who claimed to be in the "neighborhood watch". He accosted Martin (even though he had already called police and been told not to approach him) because he said Martin was "walking suspiciously".

An argument ensued, and Martin was shot to death (even though he was unarmed and posed no clear life-threatening danger to the 28 year-old). If Martin had been white (instead of African-American), I doubt he would have even been approached by anyone. And that means he was shot to death because he was African-American.

The shooter should have been arrested and charged with murder (or at the very least manslaughter). But he wasn't, and no charges have been filed against him at all. The police said he shot the 17 year-old in "self-defense" (evidently a package of Skittles is a dangerous weapon when possessed by an African-American youth).

Frankly, the racism obviously involved here doesn't stop with the 28 year-old shooter. It evidently extends to the police and the District Attorney. You can bet if Martin had been the one with the gun and the 28 year-old in possession of a package of Skittles, Martin would have now been in jail (and probably without a bond). This is a miscarriage of justice that should not be happening in 2012 America.

If you agree, please go to this website and sign the petition demanding the District Attorney take appropriate action. We must take a stand to stop this kind of racist injustice in this country.


  1. I'm glad you and I both wrote about this tonight. Great minds think alike, eh?

    Zimmerman needs to be brought to justice. This travesty cannot stand.

  2. I agree. I had put off writing about this in the hope that the authorities would have an outbreak of conscience and do something. That's obviously not going to happen though.


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