Friday, March 16, 2012

Today Is My Sixth Blogiversary

Today jobsanger is officially six years old, and I'm happy to say it is doing better than ever. It took a while to find an audience, but the blog has experienced a slow and steady growth for several years now. The blog has about 600 readers a day now and recently passed the 1,000,000 mark in page views. That doesn't make me one of the "big boys" (like Daily Kos, for instance), but it's decent and that makes me happy.

I want to thank all the fellow bloggers who have been kind enough to include this blog on their blogroll or link to my posts. I also want to thank the sites who carry some of my posts (like Best of the Blogs and The Rag Blog). You have all contributed to the growing readership. But most of all, I want to thank all of the people who come here to read my scribblings (both commenters and lurkers). You are deeply appreciated.

Now it's time to perform an annual ritual -- the re-posting of the very first post on jobsanger. It wasn't a great post, but it did set the stage for everything that was to come later. Here it is:

Hello out there! This is my first blog and my first attempt at blogging, so if you do accidently drop by and read the blog, cut me some slack. I hope to get better over time. This is not meant to be a news blog. This is an OPINION blog. This is my place to gripe, whine or blow my top when I get disgusted with politics, religion or culture in general. I am a left-winger who is not afraid of the "s" word. If you prefer to call me a socialist, that is fine with me. I am not a religious person, but I believe all people should be free to practice whatever religion they wish or none at all. I don't get upset until you start pushing it down other people's throats. I am a political Independent, since I see both the republicans and democrats as being corporate owned. Although I am male, I am pro-choice and consider myself to be a feminist. I believe in EQUAL RIGHTS FOR EVERYONE [no exceptions]. That should give you some idea of where I'm coming from. If you do read this blog, I hope you enjoy it and come back from time to time. Thanks!


  1. Well, Happy Birthday, Jobsanger! Here's to another year!

  2. Thanks! I hope to have many more years of blogging here.

  3. Happy celebration day indeed!

  4. Curious Texan3/16/2012 2:51 PM

    Happy birthday, Jobsanger!

  5. Thanks Thurman. It's been a wild ride, but I'm stoked to do another six.

  6. Appreciate that, CT. I know this day is special for you too, and I hope it is a happy one for you.

  7. congratulations ..and so glad your here...

    and reminded me mine was the 5th..feck.

  8. Thanks YDG. That means a lot.


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