Monday, May 14, 2012

Post-Racial? - A Long Way From It!

There were some who proclaimed after the election of Barack Obama that the United States was now entering a "post-racial" period. It was a silly idea. The president's election just brought the racists back out from under their rocks, and they are more active and obvious than they've been in years. And now there is more evidence of this "in-your-face" racism.

I imagine you're familiar with the murder of Trayvon Martin in Florida. He's the African-American teenager who was shot just feet from his father's house after walking to the store for a bag of Skittles and a can of ice tea. He was unarmed and doing nothing wrong, but was targeted because of his race (and it took public outrage and over a month to get his murderer arrested). Now a racist has decided that this murder is a good money-making opportunity.

An unidentified person from the state of Virginia has printed up a bunch of gun range targets that are obviously meant to symbolize young Trayvon Martin. The targets (pictured above) don't have Trayvon's face on them, but they show a faceless person in a hoodie holding a can of ice tea and a package of Skittles. This is not only insensitive and boorish -- it is also racist.

The person who made the targets told an Orlando news station, "My main motivation was to make money off the controversy." He went on to say, "The response is overwhelming. I sold out in 2 days." I don't doubt that this cretin wanted to make money. I just think that he has to be a racist to even dream up this perverted scheme.

As for those who bought the targets, which included at least two Florida gun dealers, is there any doubt of their racism? Anyone else, any decent person, would be far too offended by these targets to purchase one.

All these nut-jobs have done is emphasize the fact that racism is alive and well in America (as if the murder itself wasn't proof enough). What pitiful excuses for humans they are.

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