Thursday, May 10, 2012

What's He Trying To Hide ?

This graphic tells us a lot about the two major candidates running for president this year. One (Obama) has released his tax returns for the last twelve years. We know how much he and his wife made, how much they gave to charity (a substantial amount), and how much they paid in taxes for more than a decade.

The other (Romney) has only released one year's worth of tax returns (plus an "approximation" of income and taxes for last year). Doesn't that make you wonder what he is trying to hide? In all those other years where he is refusing to divulge his returns, did he make even more than the $21 million he made in 2010 (without working a single day) and pay even less than the 13% tax rate he paid for 2010?

If we are to elect Romney president, and in doing so accept his tax plans (which will cut his own taxes while doing nothing for the middle and working classes), shouldn't we first know what his income and taxes have been for more than one year? And if he can't be honest with the American people about this, how can they expect him to be honest about anything else once elected?

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