Sunday, June 17, 2012

Romney Could Lose All 3 "Home" States

In the past presidential elections, even a losing candidate could count on one thing -- winning his home state. This has been true even of candidates that were soundly trounced in the general election. But it looks like Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) will not be able to do that. If he wins, it will have to be without any of the states he could claim as his home state (which is remarkable, since there are three of them).

Romney was born in the state of Michigan. But it was Massachusetts where he launched his political career (becoming governor of that state), and he still has a home in that state. In addition, Romney has a mansion in California, which he is currently in the process of enlarging (and even putting in an elevator for his automobiles). Conceivably, he could claim any of the three as his "home" state.

It is extremely unlikely that he could win either Massachusetts or California. Even right-wing pundits have written both of those states off, as they are solidly in the Obama column. Romney winning either of those two states would be considered nothing short of a miracle. That leaves only Michigan if he is to follow tradition.

But a recent poll shows Romney trailing badly in Michigan. The Rasmussen Poll, a poll with normally a Republican bias, shows Romney trailing President Obama by eight points in Michigan.  Here are the results:

President Obama...............50%
Mitt Romney...............42%
Other candidate...............4%

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