Monday, September 10, 2012

Self-Haters ?

I shamelessly stole this idea (and these pictures) from the great blog called Under The Mountain Bunker. Over there they called it the "Stockholm Syndrome Victims For Romney", and that's probably a pretty good description. Because if women, gays/lesbians, soldiers, or poor people vote for the Ryan/Romney ticket (or any other Republican), then they are certainly voting against their own best interests.

Women would be voting for a party that wants to keep them as second-class citizens -- denying them equal pay for equal work, free and easy access to contraception, lower costing medical insurance, and control over their own bodies. Gays and lesbians would be voting for a party that wants to deny them the right to marry the person they love (and would like to re-criminalize their lifestyle).

Soldiers would be voting for a party that believes democracy can be spread by military power, the Afghan War should be continued for many more years with no end in sight, a new war should be started in Iran, and veterans benefits shouldn't be increased to help returning soldiers. And the poor would be voting for a party that simply doesn't care about them -- and would deny their access to a decent existence by denying help with food, housing, education, medical care, job-training, or anything else that would help them to work their way out of poverty.

And these aren't the only groups that would be voting against their own best interest to vote Republican. Union members would be voting for a party that wants to destroy unions and abolish the minimum wage. The elderly would be voting for a party that wants to abolish Medicare and Medicaid, and privatize Social Security. The middle class would be voting for the party that has initiated policies that is destroying the middle class. Educators and college students would be voting for a party that wants to cut education funding, abolish the Department of Education, cut Pell Grants, and increase college loan interest rates by turning them back over to the giant banks. And small investors would be voting for a party that wants to de-regulate Wall Street and put them at the mercy of the giant Wall Street banks again.

In fact, the only people that would be helped by voting for Republicans are the richest 1% of Americans and the corporate moguls. Everyone else would be voting against their own best interests. Sadly though, a lot of misguided people will do exactly that.

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