Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Willard Still Lying And Flip-Flopping

(Picture above was found at Under The Mountain Bunker.)

Many people in the Republican base had trouble accepting Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) as their candidate, and even now some polls show that more Republicans are planning to vote against President Obama than those saying they are voting for Romney. The fact is that they are having a problem trusting Romney.

And I can't blame them. He has been on both sides of every issue but one. The only issue he has never wavered on is his desire to give the super-rich a massive new tax cut -- which incidentally is the only issue that would directly affect him. There is no doubt that he wants to give himself and his rich friends a tax cut, but there is a lot of doubt about what he believes on any other issue.

And he has not stopped his lying and flip-flopping. If any conservatives thought that Willard was now a true die-hard right-winger, they are sadly mistaken. Willard proved this once again just in the last few days. On Sunday Willard was on Meet The Press, a show with a national audience of people across the political spectrum. On that show, he tried to reach out to the middle by saying that he would not repeal all of Obamacare (and would leave in place things like forcing insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions). He made it sound like he was moving to the center.

It only took him one day to pull another flip-flop though. On Monday he was interviewed on the radio show of Hugh Hewitt -- a right-winger whose show is listened to by only other right-wingers. And he told that audience something quite different -- that he would repeal ALL of Obamacare, without exception.

The only thing we can really know about Willard (other than his desire to cut his own taxes) is that he is an inveterate liar, who will say anything to any audience that the people in that audience want to hear. He only cares about one thing -- getting elected so he can cut his own taxes, and he will tell any lie to anyone to achieve that goal. And anyone who can't see that by now is being willfully blind.

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