Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Another Ryan Lie

For weeks now, Paul Ryan and Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) have been telling Americans that they want to give 20% tax cuts to all Americans, and that those tax cuts would be revenue neutral. When asked how they could possibly do that, they just give a very vague answer about closing loopholes. 

Several organizations have looked at the question, and they all say that closing loopholes after a 20% cut would still give the rich a huge tax cut, but the middle class (who depend more on those deductions) would wind up paying from $1,000 to over $2,000 more in taxes each year. Ryan/Romney deny this, but still refuse to specify how they would do otherwise.

Chris Wallace tried to pin Ryan down on this issue when he appeared on Fox News last Sunday. Ryan first tried to dance around the issue, and when that didn't work, he just said, I don't have the time. It would take me too long to go through all of the math." That's ridiculous! If he had an answer, it wouldn't take but a couple of minutes to describe what deductions would  be eliminated.

The truth is that he either doesn't have a clue as to how it could be done (other than pure magic), or he knows the answer will upset a lot of voters if he honestly told them the plan. I think it's the second. He doesn't want voters to know that he and Romney would be raising middle class taxes to give the rich a big tax cut.

This is nothing less than one more Ryan lie, in a long string of lies. Romney and Ryan have been the most dishonest campaign duo I have ever seen. I think they know that their voters are watching Fox News, and will never be exposed for the outrageous liars that they are -- and they are just hoping that most other people won't go to the polls.

It's not a very good campaign maneuver, but at this point it may be all they've got.

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