Monday, October 01, 2012

GOP Obstructionism

Much has been discussed about the Republican efforts to obstruct the legislation proposed by President Obama and the Democrats. It has been unending and many times senseless -- like the Republicans killing the bill to help veterans find jobs (even though several Republicans had a hand in writing the bill). But the GOP obstruction has not been limited to legislation.

The two charts above, from Think Progress, shows this obstruction has extended also to the nominees made by the president to fill federal positions -- especially the federal District Courts and Appeals Courts. Note that the nominees in the charts above are "uncontroversial" nominees (meaning there is no reason either party has to delay their appointment). Their appointments have been delayed only because they were appointed by President Obama, and the GOP doesn't like the president and doesn't want him to succeed in any area -- even if it means that justice is delayed for American citizens.

This is just one more reason to vote the Republicans out of office this November.

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