Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Still True

Helen Keller may have been handicapped, but she didn't have any problem seeing and understanding the truth -- that an economic system that favors the rich and the corporations, and allows them to abuse workers is not fair. She understood that workers must be allowed to control their own destiny by being allowed to band together and negotiate a fair wage and benefit package. Labor is just as important as capital in a free enterprise system, and it is just wrong to let the capitalists steal the labor of workers.

But that is exactly what is happening today. Thanks to the "trickle-down" policies of the Republican Party, unions have been weakened, wages have been stagnated, jobs have been outsourced to foreign countries, Regulations have been removed from Wall Street and the giant corporations, the rich have been given massive tax breaks, and the nation's increase in productivity is no longer shared with workers. This has resulted in a disappearing middle class, and the largest gap in wealth and income between the rich and the rest of America since before the Great Depression.

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