Saturday, March 23, 2013

Medicare "Vouchers" Dies An Ugly Death

In the last Congress, Paul Ryan came up with an odious idea. He wanted to dismantle the Medicare program, and replace it with a voucher program that would put seniors at the Mercy (non-existent) of the private insurance companies. It would have made American seniors pay a lot more out of their own pockets for medical care. In his latest budget proposal, he once again included the "voucher" program for Medicare -- and it passed the Republican-controlled House.

Fortunately, the Ryan budget plan was disposed of quickly when it got to the Senate (on a 40 to 59 vote). But Ryan's ridiculous idea of replacing Medicare with a voucher system (which is not popular with the general public) fared much worse than his budget as a whole.

Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan) decided that even though the Ryan budget stood no chance in the Senate (or with the president), all senators should have to take a position on Ryan's idea of dismantling Medicare and replacing it with vouchers. She introduced an amendment to get a recorded vote on the matter by every senator. Her amendment said (according to C-SPAN):

To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to protect Medicare's guaranteed benefits and to prohibit replacing guaranteed benefits with the House passed budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program.

And the idea of turning Medicare into a voucher system went down to a crushing defeat. Every Democratic and Independent senator, and almost all Republican senators, voted against the idea. The amendment was approved by a vote of 96 to 3. That should end any idea of vouchering Medicare in this Congress. The three senators voting for the plan to dismantle Medicare were:

Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
Rand Paul (R-Kentucky)
Mike Lee (R-Utah)

There are quite a few senators that do a poor job of representing the people of their state and the country, but these three are in a class by themselves. The voters of Texas, Kentucky, and Utah should be deeply ashamed of sending these idiots to Washington.  

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