Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Poll Has Record Low Approval Of Congress

These results are from the latest CNN/ORC Poll (done between September 27th and 29th of 803 nationwide adults, with a 3.5 point margin of error). Note that the public's approval for Congress has fallen to a ridiculously low 10% (with an 87% disapproval rating). That's a record low for the CNN/ORC Poll. The previous low was 11% in January of 2012 (with an 86% disapproval rating).

And this poll was completed before the clown show that took place in the House of Representatives on September 30th, which resulted in Congress (mainly the House GOP) shutting down the United States government. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see that pitiful 10% approval rating dip down into single digits after that fiasco.

Note also that the public is not thrilled with the Democratic Party, with disapproval being 9 points higher than approval. But that pales in comparison to the public's disgust with the Republican Party, whose disapproval rating is 30 points higher than their approval rating (meaning nearly twice as many people disapprove of the GOP as approve of it).

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