Sunday, February 09, 2014

President Obama On Religious Freedom

Here are the words of President Obama as he spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast a couple of days ago:

“We believe in the inherent dignity of every human being, a dignity that no earthly power can take away. Central to that dignity is freedom of religion, the right of every person to practice their faith how they choose, to change their faith if they choose or to practice no faith at all, and to do this free of persecution and fear.”

I wish fundamentalist right-wingers understood this. The same constitution that protects their right to believe in christian fundamentalism, also protects others and gives them the right to believe in another religion -- or no religion at all. The right to not believe in god or religion is a fundamental part of religious freedom. And whether fundamentalist christians want to admit it or not, it is critical that government stay out of religion -- neither opposing nor approving of any particular religion or religion in general.

Some want to say that not allowing christian prayers to be led by school officials or by elected officials at events that are government sponsored is a violation of their right to religious freedom, but they are wrong. It is a protection of their religious freedom (and that of everyone else). Government participation in any religion violates the religious freedom rights of all other religions -- and government participation in religion in general violates the religious freedom rights of those who do not believe in religion (or any god).

I would have preferred that President Obama not have spoken at all at that religious breakfast in his capacity as president, but at least he used the opportunity to defend true religious freedom.

(The caricature of President Obama above is by DonkeyHotey.)

1 comment:

  1. What a ponderous, pontificating old bore he is! "“We believe in the inherent dignity of every human being, a dignity that no earthly power can take away." Er, except, he might have added, if you commit murder in which case we will kill you no matter how much dignity you might have. Or, if you're a Muslim 'terrorist' in which case we'll lock you up and throw away the key without bothering with court procedures. Or, if you're an Hispanic security guard attacked by a black man who shoots and kills in self-defence, then I will use my Presidential influence to interfere and we'll drag your sorry arse through the courts until we find some judge, any judge, who will bang you up for life!

    Prize humbuggery of the first order!


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