Sunday, February 02, 2014

Religious Logic

Christians (and those from other religions) like to use their "holy" books to prove the truth of their religion and the existence of their god (or gods). The problem with that is that there's nothing that proves anything in that book (whatever book it may be) is necessarily true. Just because a book says it is the sacred word of some god doesn't mean it's true. It just means some human wrote that in the book.


  1. An Atheist View On Life.........I will live my LIFE according to these beliefs...God does not exist; it is just foolish to think that there is a God with a COSMIC PLAN; That an all powerful God brings redemption and healing to the pain and suffering in the world is a comforting thought, however, it is only wishful thinking. People can do as they please without eternal consequences. The idea that --I am deserving of Hell because of Sin is a lie meant to make me slave to those in power......."The more you have, the happier you will be"...Our existence has no grand meaning our purpose....In a world with NO GOD there is freedom to be who I want to be....But with GOD everything is fine...It is ridiculous to think I am LOST and in need of SAVING.

  2. A Christian's View On Life.......I am LOST and in NEED of SAVING...It is ridiculous to think EVERYTHING IS FINE......But With GOD There is freedom to be who I want to be...In a world with NO GOD , Our existence has no Meaning or Purpose..." The more you have, the happier you will be" .....Is a LIE meant to make slave to those in power....Because of SIN, the idea that I am deserving of Hell...People can do as they please without Eternal Consequences Is only wishful thinking, However, it is a comforting thought , that an ALL POWERFUL GOD brings HEALING to the PAIN and SUFFERING in the world. There is a GOD with a COSMIC PLAN. It is FOOLISH to think that God does not exist.. I will live my LIFE according to these beliefs....Amen


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