Friday, March 21, 2014

Views On The Environment By The American Public

These numbers are from the Gallup Poll -- the latest being done between March 6th and 9th of 1,048 nationwide adults, with a margin of error of 4 points.

Not much to be said here. A majority of Americans believe the quality of the environment is only tai/poor -- and they think it is getting worse. The exception is the Republican Party, who continue to accept the corporate argument that they can't afford to stop polluting the environment. And when poll respondents were asked whether the environment or economic growth was more important, the Republicans (and the elderly) opted for economic growth. Everyone else, including most Americans in general, said the environment was more important (even if protecting the environment hurt economic growth some). I have to agree with the latter. What good is economic growth going to be after we have destroyed our environment?

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