Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Liberal Because . . .


  1. It's always the small print that gives 'em away: "I believe in wealth and abundance up to the point it is a detriment to my society".

    Now, I wonder who gets to decide the definition of "wealth and abundance"? And who needs more and who needs less?

    I don't know who wrote that but he is a pompous prat!

  2. Seems clear to me. But I wouldn't expect a right-winger to understand -- someone who sees greed as good without limits.

  3. funny, the print size appears the same as the other statements to me!

  4. The point where "wealth and abundance" is a detriment to society is when it BUYS Representatives and Senators and Supreme Court Judges and writes legislation for its own profit which those congressmen and judges then approve without regard to the continued health and safety of the country, ignoring the constitutionality of that legislation.

  5. Gra*ma hit it right on the head. I can't even fathom that the wealthy buying the government don't realize it's wrong. Greed IS the actual definition of evil.

  6. Right, I see, so no more 'contributions' (putting it politely) from giant and very wealthy trade unions then?

  7. Trade Unions and others who use their wealth to BUY government to increase their power over others is good.
    But then again I do think that the main cause is the lazy voters who let things slide instead voting out the crooks.
    And it is easy to see the crooks as thy generally want the military spending to be increased, social spending to be decreased, and no taxes for rich anything.

  8. Er, is there a typo in your first sentence?

    1. So true-my proof reader is not too bright. '....others is NOT good."


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