Sunday, May 18, 2014

Right-Wing's "American Spring" Demonstration Fizzles

(These two photos are from the "massive" American Spring demonstration in Washington. The top photo is from, and the bottom is from

Friday was the day the ultra-right-wing promised millions of right-wing Americans would flood Washington, D.C. -- and arrest President Obama, Attorney General Holder, Minority Leader McConnell, Speaker Boehner, and others. They were going to ship them off to Gitmo, and then replace the government with a panel made up of right-wing politicians like Ted Cruz. They said they were going to do that because the present government leaders had failed to follow the Constitution -- completely ignoring the fact that there is no provision in the Constitution for overthrowing the elected government and replacing it with a panel.

But then reality has never been a strong suit with the extreme right. The organizers of the demonstration had promised that between 10 million and 30 million people would show up. As you can see from the photos above, that didn't quite happen. One of the organizers said he was disappointed that only hundreds had shown. But even that estimate seems overly optimistic, as most put the crowd at about a hundred people, or less. They didn't even turn out enough people to warrant a mention by the mainstream media.

The poor turnout might have been understandable if it was a spur of the moment thing, but the demonstrations have been planned for six months now. If you can't draw a crowd with six months of planning, then you never will. These ultra-right-wing extremists need to understand that they are a minority -- a very tiny minority. They may be vocal (nut-jobs usually are), but their numbers are extremely small. Thank goodness for that. They talk a lot about the Constitution, but don't understand (or seem to care about) the rights it guarantees to all citizens -- even those who are not white or male or heterosexual.

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