Saturday, May 03, 2014

U.S. Ranks 14th In Press Freedom

The Gallup Poll does surveys in 132 countries. Between 2010 and 2013, they surveyed around 1,000 adults in each of those countries about whether they thought their country had a "free press". It may disappoint American exceptionalists, but the United States didn't finish first in that survey. It was 14th, as only about 85% of U.S. citizens said we have a free press.

Frankly, I'm surprised we finished that high. I will admit that the United States doesn't have the government restrictions that plague many other countries. But that's because the same entity that controls our government, also controls our press -- a few giant corporations. Most of the press in the United States (the TV channels and newspapers) are owned by just a few giant corporations, which means Americans that get all their news from the major media only get one side of the story (the corporate side) -- especially when it comes to politics, economics, and the economy.

Isn't a press controlled by the corporations just as bad a one controlled by the government? Can either truly be called a "free press"?

1 comment:

  1. it seems as finding the real news and the whole truth about a story has become just about impossible. to address the percentage of folks believing we have a "free" press, i think that many of those folks simply mistake the term "a free press" with the right of "freedom of the press". as you point out ted, the major media only puts out what the owners want you to know from there side of any issue. even the underground will only give you their beliefs concerning an issue. where do we find the rest of the story, paul harvey is not with us anymore. you know what, i think he may have been a vistim of spin as well.

    so, where do we find the whole truth?


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