Monday, June 09, 2014

Another State's Same-Sex Marriage Ban Falls

Another federal judge overturns the same0sex marriage ban in yet another state -- this time it's Wisconsin. U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb struck down Wisconsin's ban last Friday, saying:

". . .are entitled to the same treatment as any heterosexual couple."

"I conclude that the Wisconsin laws prohibiting marriage between same-sex couples interfere with plaintiffs' right to marry, in violation of the due process clause, and discriminate against plaintiffs on the basis of sexual orientation, in violation of the (Constitution's) equal protection clause."

Judge Crabb did not stay her own decision, which allowed same-sex marriages to begin in the state. The Wisconsin Attorney General is expected to try and get a stay on Monday from a higher court though, and promised to appeal the decision. Wisconsin now joins a growing list of states whose bans have been overturned, and are waiting on appeals court decisions, while 19 states now have accepted legal same-sex marriages.

Same-sex couples in the state are not waiting to see if a stay will be granted though. Hundreds of couples scurried to get marriage licenses over the weekend.

It will be interesting to see what the decisions are from the various appeals courts, and ultimately the United States Supreme Court. It's looking more and more like the Supreme Court can no longer dodge making a decision -- and will probably be forced to hear a case involving state bans during their next term.

And a new poll (the ABC News / Washington Post Poll) shows that Americans seem to be ready, at least on a national level, for same-sex marriages to be made legal. The survey was completed between May 29th and June 1st of a random national sample of 1,002 adults, with a margin of error of 3.5 points. That survey showed that half of Americans agree with the federal judges that the marriage bans violate the Constitution -- and 56% think same-sex marriages should be legal.

(The image above of Wisconsin covered with gay rights flag is from The Bilerico Project.)

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