Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hillary Is Still The Most Popular Politician

The chart above is made from information in the recent Bloomberg News Poll (conducted between June 6th and 9th of a random national sample of 1,005 adults, with a 3.1 point margin of error). The Bloomberg News headline was "Hillary's Popularity Drops To 52% As 2016 Edge Shrinks". That sounds like a bit of wishful thinking from a GOP-friendly business magazine to me.

That 4 point drop in popularity from 56% in March is just barely over the margin of error of the poll (and may not actually be a 4 point drop). But even if it is, it still leaves Hillary Clinton as the most popular politician in the United States -- with her approval 8 points higher than President Obama, and 19 points higher than the most approved of Republican presidential hopeful. I'll bet any of the Republicans would love to have Hillary's numbers.

The poll also shows Hillary maintains a lead over the most popular Republicans in a head-to-head match-up.

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