Sunday, August 24, 2014

How Convenient !


  1. Oh dear, Richard Dawkins - you've reached a new low, Ted, the man's dottier than a box of frogs! The fact that he lives in a country where the 'official' religion is protestant Christianity and I would guess from church attendance figures that 85% of the population are non-believers tells you all you need to know about 'Prof' Dawkins! Also, the most devout theists in the country are actually Muslims!

    1. Calling him names may make you feel better (if that's the kind of person your are), but it doesn't make his statement untrue.

    2. David, that is not a rebuttal. It is an ad hominem fallacy. Try again.

  2. So, after the word "frogs" what, precisely and exactly, do you not understand, or deny, about the rest of my comment which indicates that 'Prof' Dawkins lives in Cloud Cuckooland?

  3. Well ya know how it is when certain people are faced with truth that they cannot disprove with any real evidence , they attack the person as if that makes any real difference. The idea that Dawkins may or may not be an Ahole as nothing to do with the images reflecting the truth which has been stated by many others besides Dawkins.

  4. But, LL, pause and reconsider: what he said was patently untrue, as I indicated with an example of his *own* country! It's exactly the sort of windy, empty rhetoric which Oxbridge dons are given to because mostly they are addressing dim-witted students who think they are marvellous. No doubt you have the same sort at Harvard and the like.

    Also, did you know that *you* - yes, that means *you*, LL - are merely the puppet of micro-biological enzymes that, in effect, pull your strings and turn you into a selfish monster? No? Well, Prof. Dawkins says so. See what I mean?

    1. Dawkins never said that -- and you didn't prove anything with your inane comment. The fact is that people do tend to accept the religion of the family and region they were born in.

    2. Well no proof of anything said and another ad hominid. Actually at an even more fundamental level a body is nothing more then a vehicle that allows the sea to explore the land.
      A puppet of Micro-bio enzymes? ME?? well could be and don't care. Selfish Monster??? Sound more like reflection to me.

  5. That's the trouble with you, Ted, you never read closely enough. You used the word "tend", he used the word "always".

    He also used the following words elsewhere: "We are survival machines - robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes."

    See, you might think you are free to chose but not a bit of it, those little globules tell you what to do. I know, I know, total tosh but the man believes in it absolutely.

  6. "We are survival machines - robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes."
    Really? Good I'm glad of it !!! because at least that does not allow us to waste our selves flying airplanes into building screaming GAWD IS GREAT!!!! or wasting women by burning them at the stake for made up imaginary reasons.
    If you think that quote is silly your wasting your time, because silly is even close to as bad as my examples.


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