Saturday, August 09, 2014

Public Says No To The GOP Lawsuit Against The President

All of the charts in this post were made from information in the new CBS News Poll. That survey was done between July 29th and August 4th of a random national sample of 1,344 adults, with a 3 point margin of error.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about a CNN / ORC Poll that showed a significant majority of the public opposed the GOP's filing of a lawsuit against President Obama (or any effort to impeach him). Now this new CBS News Poll not only verifies this anti-lawsuit feeling, but shows the Republicans are not winning anyone over with their excuses for that lawsuit. The public understands that this is just a political move -- an effort to demonize the president and try to shift blame away from their own failures before the November election.

I believe the Republicans are getting desperate. While many pundits still claim the Republicans will do well in the coming election (probably just because the party out of power historically does most of the time), the polls are showing something very different. These polls show that while the public is not too thrilled with either of the major parties, they have much less respect for the Republicans than for Democrats.

And this CBS News Poll also verifies that. As the charts below show, the Democrats own a 7 point advantage when poll respondents are asked which party more closely reflects their own personal values -- and a 4 point advantage when asked which party they currently plan to support in House races. That's because only 29% have a favorable view of the Republican Party, while 41% have a favorable view of the Democratic Party -- a significant 12 point difference.

The voters are in an anti-incumbent mood, and that mood is aimed more at the Republicans than the Democrats. That's why the Republicans are making desperation moves like suing the president.


  1. What GOP lawsuit? Has the Republican Party leadership proposed such a thing? Have they even supported any of their more excitable members to do such a thing? No, but the Dems, and their glove puppets in the press, are screeching loud because it brings in a few extra zillion dollars from their donors.

  2. Haven't you been keeping up with the news? The House Republicans voted unanimously to sue the president (and are going to stick the taxpayers with the bill for doing so), while the Democrats voted against it. The Republicans proposed the lawsuit, and voted for it. And most of their base supports it, while Independents and Democrats oppose it. That makes it a Republican lawsuit.


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