Tuesday, November 04, 2014

For Those Who Think Democrats & GOP Are The Same

(This image is from the mind and artistic ability of DonkeyHotey.)

Sometimes I hear people say the Democrats and Republicans are the same -- that both have sold out to the corporate interests, and neither represents the American people any more. I can understand how someone might think that way. The Democrats are far from perfect, and regular readers of this blog have seen me take them to task for their failings many times. But the Republicans are far worse -- having embraced far right-wing extremist policies that will do serious damage to this country.

Before going to the polls today, consider the following:

DEMOCRATS want to protect Social Security.

REPUBLICANS want to privatize Social Security, and if they can't do that, then they want to increase the age of retirement and cut the benefits.

DEMOCRATS want to protect Medicare.

REPUBLICANS want to abolish Medicare, and throw the elderly to the mercy of for-profit insurance companies.

DEMOCRATS want to raise the minimum wage to at least $10.10 an hour.

REPUBLICANS oppose raising the minimum wage, and many of them would like to abolish it.

DEMOCRATS want to protect the right of all citizens to join a labor union, so they can bargain for fair wages and safe working conditions.

REPUBLICANS want to destroy labor unions, and put all workers at the mercy of the giant corporations.

DEMOCRATS want to abolish the tax break corporations get for exporting American jobs.

REPUBLICANS want to protect that tax break and help the corporations continue the exporting of American jobs.

DEMOCRATS think corporations should pay their fair share of taxes, and would eliminate many subsidies and loopholes that help corporations to avoid paying taxes.

REPUBLICANS want to protect those subsidies and loopholes, and many of them don't think corporations should have to pay any taxes at all.

DEMOCRATS want to protect the environment, and insure that future generations inherit a world with clean soil, water, and air.

REPUBLICANS want to cut EPA funding and let corporations continue to pollute our soil, water and air.

DEMOCRATS want to cut the budget deficit and national debt in a responsible way.

REPUBLICANS don't want to cut them at all. They want to cut the programs that help ordinary Americans, so they can give more money to their buddies in the military-industrial complex.

DEMOCRATS want to protect the voting rights of all Americans.

REPUBLICANS want to suppress the voting rights of those they don't think will vote for them.

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