Monday, January 12, 2015

Liberals Up By 5 Points In 10 Years & Are Plurality Of Dems

The charts above show a small bit of good news. In the last ten years, the percentage of liberals in the general population has grown by 5% (from 19% in 2004 to 24% in 2014), while conservatives dropped by 2% and moderates by 4%. Liberals are still outnumbered by both conservatives and moderates, but at least things are moving in the right direction. I just wish it could move a little bit faster.

The charts below are also pretty interesting. They show the movement of all three ideologies in both the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and among Independents in the last couple of decades. The percentage of liberals in the Democratic Party has grown significantly during those years -- and they now represent a significant plurality of all Democrats (44%). Moderates comprise a plurality of all Independents (41%), and the Republican Party remains in the grip of conservatives (many of them right-wing extremists).

These charts were made from a recent Gallup Poll release -- which contained the results of 15 polls taken in 2014 of a random national sample of 16,479 adults, with a 1 point margin of error.

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