Saturday, May 23, 2015

Do These GOP Candidates Now Regret These Pictures ?

The man in these pictures with Republicans presidential hopefuls (Bush, Cruz, Huckabee, Jindal, Paul, Perry, Santorum, and Walker) is Josh Duggar. At the time, Duggar (along with his parents and siblings) was the star of the TV "reality" show 19 And Counting, and the executive director of the christian hate group Family Research Council. The candidates were obviously trying to score points with christian bigots.

Duggar was flying high for a while there, but an expose by has ended that. They revealed that Duggar was guilty of molesting several children (including some of his siblings) a few years ago -- and they had the proof to prove their allegation. Allegations that his "christian" parents helped to cover up.

The parents said they had sent him to a facility so he could receive counseling to overcome his "problem". That was a lie. They actually sent him to stay with a friend of the family out of town, and he received no counseling at all. They also said they reported his criminal behavior to the police, but they did that only after being sure the statute of limitation on his crimes had expired. In other words, they made sure he got no negative action because of his molesting children.

Duggar has now confessed his crimes to People Magazine. And he has resigned his position with the Family Research Council. He is trying to pass off his crimes as something in his past, which has been now magically cured through prayer. I have to wonder though -- can child molesters really be cured through nothing but prayer?

I also wonder if the presidential hopefuls pictured above with Duggar regret having their picture taken with him -- a self-confessed child molester. At least one doesn't -- Mike Huckabee. Huckabee said Duggar made a mistake, and has been forgiven. I beg to disagree -- it wasn't a mistake, but a criminal acts (and repeated several times).

Will any of the other candidates be willing to make a statement about Duggar, or these pictures. I doubt it. I think they'll just remain silent (and be thankful they weren't the only one to make this mistake).

(NOTE -- All of these pictures were found at Addicting Info.)


UPDATE -- Ted Cruz has now spoken -- and proved that he is not just a fool, but a dangerous fool. He would have us believe that consensual and loving acts between gays are worse than molesting children (a crime). We must make sure this idiot never lives in the White House.


  1. if they don't they sure as hell should

  2. The short answer is no. Conservatives have no shame and they know their 'base' has the attention span of a fruit fly.


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