Monday, June 08, 2015


(Image is from

I give you another poem from my friend Brian:

by Brian McLaughlin

When their smiling eyes 
have too soon left 
it's oft of real love 
that they've been bereft. 

For the eyes they say
will show you their soul
and if that smile is missing
they are no longer whole.

Give to them your heart 
show that you truly care 
then maybe, just maybe 
a new smile they might wear.

With their spirit now lifted
they may gain renewed hope
and at least for today
be able to cope.

It's a day by day struggle
that can be eased for a while
you can help them feel human
when you give them a smile.

Yes you can make a difference
and there will be a great prize
it's that smile of their own
that will be in their eyes.

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