Monday, August 03, 2015

All Workers Deserve A Livable Wage (And All Means ALL)

I firmly believe that anyone willing to work hard for a living should be paid a livable wage. No worker should be forced to live in poverty just so a greedy corporation (or business owner) can pad their profits -- and any business that can't afford to pay workers a livable wage, probably shouldn't exist.

Recently, fast-food workers in New York City won a $15 an hour wage. That won't make any of them rich, but it will lift many out of poverty. It should happen all across this country, but we still hear many, especially Republicans, whining that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised (and some want to do away with the minimum wage completely). I find that to be a ridiculous, immoral, and unsupportable position.

Recently a paramedic named Jens Rushing addressed the new fast-food worker wage on his Facebook page, and what he had to say makes a lot of sense. His statement was reposted on the website Addicting Info. I think everyone needs to read what he had to say, so I post it below.

(NOTE -- The image of workers above is by cartoonist Angelo Lopez.)


  1. I'm for the raise. But I'm very concerned about slicing and dicing the minimum wage. All people deserve a living wage. I certainly hope that raising fast food worker wages up to $15 will push all wages up. What I worry is that McDonald's will soon become a major employer of college educated whites. I'll take it because any improvement helps. But I want to see the minimum wage go up. And ultimately, this kind of limited minimum wage could destroy the whole idea of the minimum wage -- ultimately harming all workers.

    But for the record, CEPR determined (no link; their site is down right now) that if minimum wage had gone up since 1968 at the rate of productivity growth, it would now be roughly $18 per hour. So $15 for a minimum wage is not at all unreasonable.

    1. It just so happens that Dean Baker talked about it this morning, Robert Samuelson Is Unhappy Over a $15 an Hour Minimum Wage. The figure is $18.42 per hour.

  2. Yes as stated don't hit out at McDonald workers, hit out to your own bosses for keeping you underpaid.


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