Sunday, October 08, 2017

Trump Is A MORON When Talking About Venezuela

A couple of days ago, Trump made some very stupid remarks about Venezuela -- remarks that show he is either a complete moron or a liar (probably both).

He said he was going to replace the socialism in Venezuela with democracy. That makes no sense at all. Democracy is not the antonym for socialism. Democracy is a form of government, while socialism is a type of economic system. While right-wingers want to deny it, the two can co-exist. A country can be both a democracy and a socialism.

And that is exactly what Venezuela is -- a socialistic democracy. They are a socialism because the government has assumed control of their natural resources (taken away from U.S. corporations) and the government provides a social safety net for its citizens. That is not a bad thing. Governments should take care of the needs of their citizens.

And they are a democracy. The government, including President Maduro, was elected by a majority of the people of Venezuela in free and fair elections (verified as fair by international observers, including Jimmy Carter). That's more than can be said for Trump (who received 3 million less votes than his opponent).

Americans have been propagandized into believing that socialism is evil and capitalism is good. The truth is that both have advantages -- although socialism provides advantages for the masses, while capitalism provides advantages for the rich and corporations. Here is the United States, we have a mixture of socialism and capitalism. Our government does not own most of our natural resources (we let corporations do that), but we have provided a socialistic safety net for many of our citizens (including Social Security, Medicare, public schools, food stamps, Pell grants, etc.).

Trump is a corporatist, and like other right-wingers, he is unhappy that American corporations can no longer steal the natural resources of Venezuela (as they do in many other countries around the world). But this is a ridiculous position. Venezuela has the right to own and control their own natural resources, and they have the right to elect their own government -- and the United States does not have the right to interfere in Venezuelan affairs.

Trump is a moron (and a liar), and he needs to leave Venezuela alone. Like the United States, they have the right of self-determination.

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