Saturday, June 16, 2018

Trump's Border Policy Is Inhumane & Immoral Child Abuse

(This NBC News picture, by John Moore/Getty images, shows asylum seekers near Mission, Texas being taken into custody.)

For the last six weeks or so, the United States government has been following a new policy that Trump and Sessions say will deter undocumented immigrants from trying to enter the U.S. -- taking children away from their parents and locking them up in separate facilities. This immoral practice amounts to nothing less than child abuse, and experts say could serious damage these children psychologically. It is inhumane and indefensible.

Trump is evidently starting to feel the heat over his new policy, because he is now trying to blame it on Democrats. He says he's just following the law -- a law passed by Democrats. THAT IS AN OUTRAGEOUS LIE!

There is NO law that mandates taking children away from their parents. If there was, then the last few presidents (of both parties) would have had to do it -- but none of them did. The Trump administration is the only administration to do this. Neither Obama, Bush, Clinton, nor any other president has done such a terrible thing as to take children from their parents. And the Trump administration is doing this to both economic immigrants and asylum-seekers fleeing for their lives.

In the past, presidents have rightly understood that entering the country without proper documentation was a civil offense, and the only penalty for it was deportation. But the Trump administration, in an effort to appease the racist trumpistas, have decided to charge these immigrants (both economic and humanitarian) as criminals, and take their children away from them.

There is some criminal activity going on, but it is not by the immigrants. It is by the Trump administration. Child abuse must always be considered a criminal activity.

Trump is trying to act like he is just obeying a law he doesn't like, and would like the "law" to be changed. As I said, there is no such law. It is just a policy imposed by Trump and Sessions, and if Trump wanted to change it, he could immediately do so. And if the congressional Republicans wanted to end it, they could rush a law through Congress to stop it -- a law Democrats would happily support. But Trump, and his Republican cohorts, won't stop the child abuse because they don't want to stop it. They are cold-hearted and must be voted out of power in November.

Is this the kind of thing you want government doing? If not, then remember, you are the government -- and by voting you can make a change!

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